Not Just A Pretty Face, The Ugly Side Of The Beauty Industry

Not Just a Pretty Face, The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry is a great book if you truly want to know what’s in your everyday "cosmetic counter" makeup. However, if you aren't ready to clean green your routine, I don't recommend it. Not Just a Pretty Face, The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry was a sharp awakening to what I was putting in and on my body. After I read this book every bottle in my medicine cabinet, shampoo bottle in my shower and cosmetic vile in my makeup bag made my skin crawl. When Kari says, “your skin is like a sponge” she means it. The author carefully reinforces this thinking when she shows us that the things we are putting on our bodies in the name of beauty are dressed up packages of not so good for your ingredients. The author, Stacy Malkan carefully outlines what kind of toxins are in everyday makeup and soap. It's an easy, fast-paced read that is both interesting and eye opening — written in an upbeat all-is-not-lost voice. She makes the point that we (as consumers) have the power to stop this through the power of purchasing and that we need to commit to stop buying products with toxins.
You can consult the author’s website to research toxins, how to protect yourself and your family and improve your overall quality of life. We have also included her Ted Talk for you to review. Her argument is compelling. Remember if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin!